Insurance Deductible |
If your insurance has a deductible, or co-insurance, you will need to present a credit card at the front desk before your appointment. We will bill your insurance. After your insurance has paid their "share", we will bill you for the remainder. We will automatically bill your credit card if payment is not received in fourteen days of the invoice date.
Often insurance companies take more than a month to inform us of your "balance". Our system ensures that we are paid in a timely manner. Your cooperation makes it possible for us to provide your medical care in the future. Please be assured that your credit card information is kept in a secure, locked location, separate from your medical records. If you have a deductible, and you do not have a credit card, please bring a check or cash with you, and know your benefits so that we can accept your payment at the time of your visit. You can call your insurance company to find out how much of your deductible you have met. If you are going to use this system, please call Terry at 303-449-3594, extension 102, at least 24 hours before your appointment. |